Searched for samlag in the dictionary.
German: Akt
samlag Swedish | |
German | Akt |
samlas Swedish | |
English | gather, gather round, congregate |
French | se regrouper, se rassembler, s'accumuler, s'agglutiner, s'amasser, s'ameuter, s'amonceler |
Spanish | reunirse, juntarse, apiñar |
samlaget Swedish | |
German | der Akt |
skamlig Swedish | |
English | outrageous, shameful, disgraceful |
French | honteuse, honteux |
Spanish | bochornoso, bochornosa |
sonlig Swedish | |
English | filial |
smulig Swedish | |
English | powdery |
samla sig Swedish | |
English | gather oneself |
German | sich versammeln, sich häufen |
somliga Swedish | |
English | some |
French | certains, certaines |
German | manche |
synlig Swedish | |
English | visible, exposed, visual |
sannelig Norwegian | |
German | wirklich |
som lagas Swedish | |
English | cooking |
simulace Czech | |
Danish | simulering |
Dutch | simulatie |
English | simulation |
Finnish | simulointi |
French | simulation |
German | Simulation |
Greek | πρoσoμoίωση |
Hungarian | szimuláció |
Italian | simulazione |
Latvian | modelēšana |
Polish | symulacja |
Portuguese | simulação |
Slovenian | simulacija |
Spanish | simulación |
Swedish | simulering |
smalec Polish | |
Czech | sádlo |
Danish | svinefedt |
Dutch | reuzel |
English | lard |
Finnish | sianihra |
French | saindoux |
German | Schmalz |
Greek | τετηγμέvo χoίρειo λίπoς |
Hungarian | szalonna |
Italian | strutto |
Latvian | kausēti cūku tauki |
Portuguese | banha |
Slovenian | svinjska mast |
Spanish | manteca de cerdo |
Swedish | ister |
schamlos German | |
English | infamous |
son las Spanish | |
Swedish | den är, klockan är |
sawmills English | |
Swedish | sågverk |
synligt Swedish | |
English | visible, visibly |
smiles English | |
Spanish | sonríe |
Swedish | ler |
snails English | |
Swedish | sniglar |
skamlös Swedish | |
English | barefaced, brazen, shameless |
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