till oss
Searched for till oss in the dictionary.
Russian: к нам
till oss Swedish | |
Russian | к нам |
ta loss Swedish | |
English | detach |
German | abbinden, ablösen |
tills Swedish | |
Danish | indtil |
English | till, until |
Estonian | kuni |
Finnish | kunnes |
French | jusqu'à, jusqu'à ce que |
German | bis |
Latin | donec, quoad |
Spanish | hasta |
tell us English | |
Swedish | berätta för oss |
tillse Swedish | |
English | look after |
tillägg Swedish | |
English | supplement, addition, complements |
French | additif, addition, adjonction, ajout, amendement |
tilläggs Swedish | |
English | supplementary |
tillge Swedish | |
English | condone |
tilllaga Swedish | |
English | cook |
tell lies English | |
Swedish | ljuga, berätta lögner |
tells English | |
Spanish | dice |
Swedish | berättar |
tallish English | |
Swedish | ganska lång |
tillage English | |
Swedish | odling |
tiles English | |
Swedish | kakel |
talous Finnish | |
Czech | hospodářství |
Danish | økonomi |
Dutch | economie |
English | economy |
French | économie |
German | Wirtschaft |
Greek | oικovoμία |
Hungarian | gazdaság |
Italian | economia |
Latvian | ekonomika |
Polish | gospodarka |
Portuguese | economia |
Slovenian | gospodarstvo |
Spanish | economía |
Swedish | ekonomi |
tulos Finnish | |
English | result |
tillykke Danish | |
Swedish | grattis |
telekss Latvian | |
Czech | telex |
Danish | telex |
Dutch | telex |
English | telex |
Finnish | teleksi |
French | télex |
German | Telexdienst |
Greek | τηλέτυπo |
Hungarian | telex |
Italian | telex |
Polish | teleks |
Portuguese | telex |
Slovenian | teleks |
Spanish | télex |
Swedish | telex |
tillyxa Swedish | |
English | hew |
tillegg Norwegian | |
German | Zusatz |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.