English dictionary - t - th

the middle ages Swedishmedeltiden
the Middle East SwedishMellanöstern
the middle finger Swedishlångfingret
the middle of nowhere Germandas Ende der Welt
the middle-classes Swedishmedelklassen
the middles Swedishmitten
the milk Swedishmjölken
the Milky Way Swedishvintergatan, Vintergatan
the milky way Swedishvintergatan
the milkyway Swedishvintergatan
the minute Swedishminuten
the minutes Swedishprotokoll
the mirror Swedishspegeln
the mistake Swedishmisstaget
the Moabites SwedishMoabiterna
the mob Swedishgänget
the modern languages department Swedishinstitutionen för moderna språk
the mole Swedishmullvaden
the moment of truth Swedishsanningens ögonblick
the Mongols SwedishMongolerna
the monkeys are not to be trusted Swedishdet går inte att lita på aporna
the monster Swedishmonstret
the month Swedishmånaden
the months Swedishmånaderna
the moral of the story Swedishberättelsens sensmoral
the more Swedishdesto fler
the more ... the more Swedishju fler ... desto fler
the morning Swedishmorgonen
the mosquito Swedishmyggan
the most Swedishmest
the most basic form of camouflage Swedishden mest grundläggande formen av kamouflage
the most beautiful Swedishvackrast
the most dangerous Swedishden farligaste
the most difficult Swedishsvårast
the most dramatic of mom's lessons came on a day Swedishden mest dramatiska av mammas lektioner kom en dag
the most famous Swedishden mest kända
the most important Swedishviktigaste
the most important thing Swedishdet viktigaste
the most intelligent Swedishden intelligentaste
the most memorable trip Swedishden mest minnesvärda resan
the most popular Czechnejpopulárnější
the mother Swedishmamman
the mother-in-law Swedishsvärmodern
the motorway Swedishmotorvägen
the mountain Swedishberget
the mouse Swedishmusen
the moustache Swedishmustaschen
the mouth Swedishmunnen
the mud Swedishgeggan
the muscle Swedishmuskeln
the mushroom Swedishchampinjonen
the music Swedishmusiken
the music business Swedishmusikbranchen
the music stinks Swedishmusiken är botten
the mustard Swedishsenapen
the mutton Swedishlammet
the nail Swedishspiken
the nation Swedishnationen
the national anthem Swedishnationalsången
the national curriculum Swedishden nationella läroplanen
the national team Swedishlandslaget
the natural resource use programme Swedishnaturvetenskapsprogrammet
the nature Swedishnaturen
the nature of Swedishtyp av
the navy Swedishflottan
the neck Swedishhalsen
the necklace Swedishhalsbandet
the need to belong Swedishbehovet att tillhöra
the needle Swedishnålen
the neighbor Swedishgrannen
the neighbourhood Swedishkvarteret
the nephew Swedishbrorsonen
the nest Swedishboet
the net Swedishnätet
the Netherland SwedishNederländerna
the Netherlands SwedishNederländerna
the newest subjects Swedishde nyaste ämnena
the news Swedishnyheterna
the news and weather Swedishnyheter och väder
the newspaper Swedishtidningen
the next day Swedishnästa dag
the next forty minutes Swedishde fyrtio minuter som följde
the next two weeks Swedishde följande två veckorna
the nicest Swedishsnyggaste
the niece Swedishbrorsdottern
the night Swedishnatten
the nightmare Swedishmardrömmen
the Nile SwedishNilen