English dictionary - t - th

the passage of a law Swedishantagande av en lag
the passenger Swedishpassageraren
the passengers have just finished their breakfast Swedishpassagerarna har just avslutat sin frukost
the past Swedishde senaste, dåtiden, det förflutna, tiden som gått, det senaste
the pastry Swedishbakverket
the path Swedishgångvägen
the pea Swedishärtan
the peach Swedishpersikan
the pear Swedishpäronet
the pedestrian Swedishfotgängaren
the pen Swedishpennan
the pencil Swedishblyertspennan
the peninsula Swedishhalvön
the Pentecostal revival Swedishpingströrelsen
the people's committee Swedishfolkkommitté
the pepper Swedishpepparen
the person concerned Swedishpersonen i fråga
the petrol Swedishbensinen
the petrol station Swedishbensinstationen
the petrol tank Swedishbensintanken
the phantom nun Swedishspöknunnan
the pharmacy Swedishapoteket
the Philippines SwedishFilippinerna
the phone is ringing Swedishtelefonen ringer
the piano player Swedishpianisten
the pickaxe Swedishhackan
the Picts SwedishPikterna
the picture Swedishfotot
the pieces fall Swedishbitarna faller
the Pied Piper of Hamelin SwedishRåttfångaren i Hameln
the pig Swedishgrisen
the pigeon Swedishduvan
the pigs stand outside the hose Swedishgrisarna står utanför huset
the pile of gifts Swedishhögen av presenter
the Pilgrim Fathers SwedishPilgrimsfäderna
the pilgrim fathers Swedishpilgrimsfäderna
the pilgrims Swedishpilgrimerna
the pill Swedishp-piller
the pillow Swedishkudden
the pilot Swedishpiloten
the pin Swedishnålen
the pine Swedishgranen
the pineapple Swedishananasen
the pins Swedishkäglorna
the piston Swedishkolven
the place Swedishplatsen
the plains Swedishslätterna
the plant Swedishväxten
the plaster Swedishgipset
the plastic Swedishplasten
the pliers Swedishtången
the plot Swedishhandlingen
the Plough SwedishKarlavagnen
the plum Swedishplommonet
the pocket Swedishfickan
the poem Swedishdikten
the point is that Swedishsaken är den att
the police Swedishpolisen
The police man says that I am free SwedishPolisen säger att jag är fri
the policeman Swedishpolisen
the politeness Swedishartigheten
the political heart Swedishdet politiska hjärtat
the Pools Swedishtipset
the poor Swedishde fattiga
the poorest Swedishden fattigaste
the Pope Swedishpåven
the population Swedishbefolkningen
the pork Swedishfläskköttet
the port authority Swedishhamnmyndigheten
the position of women Swedishkvinnornas ställning
the possession Swedishägandet
the potato Swedishpotatisen
the present Swedishnutiden
the present day Swedishidag
the prettiest Swedishden sötaste
the previous Swedishde senaste
the pride of New Zealand SwedishNya Zeelands stolthet
the prime meridian Swedishnollmeridianen
the principle of public access to official documents Swedishoffentlighetsprincipen
the prison Swedishfängelset
the prisoner Swedishfången
the problem is Swedishproblemet är
the product Swedishprodukten
the profession Swedishyrket
the professional Swedishproffset
the profits Swedishvinsterna
the program has Swedishpå programmet står
the prow Swedishfören