English dictionary - t - th

the psychologist Swedishpsykologen
the public Swedishallmänheten
the public transport Swedishallmänna färdmedel
the pupil Swedisheleven
the pupils learn Swedisheleverna lär sig
the pupils learn much Swedisheleverna lär sig mycket
the puppy Swedishvalpen
the quantity Swedishmängden
the quarrel Swedishgrälet
the Queen Swedishdrottningen
the question Swedishfrågan
the question is Swedishfrågan är
the race Swedishkapplöpningen
the radiator Swedishkylaren
the radio doesn't work anymore Swedishradion fungerar inte längre
the RAF Swedishbrittiska flygvapnet
the railway crossing Swedishjärnvägsövergången
the railway station Swedishjärnvägsstationen
the rain forests Swedishregnskogarna
the rain is pouring Swedishdet är hällregn
The rain is pouring down SwedishDet hällregnar
the rain is pouring down Swedishdet hällregnar
the rain is pouring down. Swedishdet hällregnar
the rain shower Swedishregnskuren
the raisin Swedishrussinet
the rake Swedishkrattan
the rat Swedishråttan
the razor Swedishrakhyveln
the real thing Swedishdet rätta
the rear-view mirror Swedishbackspegeln
the reason Swedishorsaken
the recipe Swedishreceptet
the Red Cross SwedishRöda Korset
the red cross Swedishröda korset
the red paint was everywhere Swedishden röda färgen var överallt
the Red Sea SwedishRöda havet
the referee Swedishdomaren
the reformed Church Swedishreformerta kyrkan
the reject of the fifth grade Swedishden utstötte femteklassaren
the religion Swedishreligionen
the Renaissance Swedishrenässansen
the rent is due Swedishhyran ska betalas
the reporter Swedishjournalisten
the Republic of Ireland SwedishIrländska republiken
The Rescue Servie Swedishräddningstjänsten
the rest Swedishresten
the rest of the class Swedishde andra i klassen
the restaurant Swedishrestaurangen
the Reverend Nilsson Swedishpastor Nilsson
the reverse Swedishmotsatsen
the Rhine SwedishRhen
the rhinoceros Swedishnoshörningen
the ride Swedishåkturen
the rifle Swedishgeväret
the right front tyre Swedishhöger framdäck
the Right of Common Access Swedishallemansrätten
the right of common access Swedishallemansrätten
the right stuff Swedishrätta virket
the right to purchase Swedishrätten att köpa in
The Rights of the Child Swedishbarns rättigheter
the ring Swedishringen
the ring finger Swedishringfingret
the ripening process Swedishmognadsprocessen
the river Swedishfloden
the River Nile SwedishNilen
the river Nile SwedishNilen
the riverside Frenchla rive
the road Swedishvägen
the road map Swedishkartan
the road was alight Swedishvägen stod i brand
the Robber's Daughter SwedishRonja Rövardotter
the robbery Swedishrånet
The Rocky Mountains SwedishKlippiga bergen
the Rocky Mountains SwedishKlippiga bergen
the Roman Empire Swedishdet romerska imperiet
the Romans Swedishromarna
the romans Swedishromarna
the roof Swedishtaket
the roof of the car Swedishbilens tak
the roof of the mounth Swedishgommen
the roof of the mouth Swedishgommen
the rosemary Swedishrosmarinen
the rotten brute Swedishdet jäkla odjuret
the roundabout Swedishrondellen
the rounders Swedishbrännboll
the Royal Air Force Swedishbrittiska flygvapnet
the Royal family Swedishkungliga familjen
the royal palace Swedishkungliga slottet