English dictionary - t - th

the rucksack Swedishryggsäcken
the rye Swedishrågen
the sack Swedishsparken
the sad thing Swedishdet tråkiga
the sad thing is Swedishdet sorgliga är
the sage Swedishsalvian
the Sahara desert SwedishSaharaöknen
the sailboat Swedishsegelbåten
the sake Swedishsaken
the salad Swedishsalladen
the sales Swedishförsäljningarna
the sales manger Swedishförsäljningschef
the salesman Swedishförsäljaren
the salmon Swedishlaxen
the salty water Swedishsaltvattnet
the salvation army Swedishfrälsningarmén
the same Swedishdensamme
the same age as Swedishlika gammal som
the same as Swedishlikadan
the same education Swedishsamma utbildning
the same opportunities Swedishsamma möjligheter
the same to you Danishi lige måde
the Sami Swedishsamerna
the sami Swedishsamerna
the sand Swedishsanden
the satisfaction Swedishtillfredsställelsen
the saw Swedishsågen
the Saxons SwedishSaxarna
the scarf Swedishhalsduken
the scenery Swedishutsikten
the schol crest Swedishskolans emblem
the school Swedishskolan
the school crest Swedishskolans emblem
the school dining hall Swedishskolmatsalen
the school gym Swedishskolans gymnastiksal
the school staffroom Swedishlärarrummet
the Science Museum SwedishTekniska muséet
the Science museum SwedishTekniska museet
the scissors Swedishsaxen
the score is two up Swedishdet står två lika
the Scots Swedishskottarna
the Scottish border Swedishskotska gränsen
the Scottish Highlands Swedishskotska högländerna
the screen Swedishvita duken
the screw Swedishskruven
the screwdriver Swedishskruvmejseln
the sea Swedishhavet
the sea was rough Swedishdet var kraftig sjögång
the seagull Swedishmåsen
the seasons Swedishårstiderna
the second Swedishsekunden
the second biggest city Swedishden näst största staden
the second floor Swedishtredje våningen
the second point is Swedishnästa punkt är
the second turning Swedishandra tvärgatan
the Second World War Swedishandra världskriget
the secretary Swedishsekreteraren
the senior common room Swedishlärarrum
the sentence Swedishmeningen
the setting Swedishmiljön
the sewing machine Swedishsymaskinen
the shampoo Swedishschampot
the shape of an old man Swedishen figur som såg ut som en gammal man
the shark Swedishhajen
the sheep Swedishfåret
the sheer size Swedishblotta storleken
the sheet Swedishlakanet
the Shetlands SwedishShetlandsöarna
the shifts changed Swedishdet var vaktombyte
the ship Swedishfartyget
the shirt Swedishskjortan
the shock of hes life Swedishsitt livs chock
the shock of his life Swedishsitt livs chock
the shock of my life Swedishmitt livs chock
the shoe Swedishskon
the shop Swedishaffären
the shop owner Swedishhandlaren
the shops are busy Swedishdet är mycket folk i affärerna
the short sleeve Swedishkortärmad
the shortest Swedishkortast
the shoulder Swedishskuldran
the shovel Swedishspaden
the shower Swedishduschen
the side Swedishsidan
the sidewalk Swedishtrottoaren
the sidewalks Swedishtrottoarerna