Searched for bistånd in the dictionary.
English: assistance, relief, aid, French: aide
bistånd Swedish | |
English | assistance, relief, aid |
French | aide |
bestånd Swedish | |
English | existence, population |
bestämd Swedish | |
English | destined, persuaded, determined, fixed, peremptory, firm, set, assertive, decided, certain, definite |
French | décidé, décidée, certain, certaine |
Spanish | fijo, determinado, empeñado |
bastón Spanish | |
Swedish | käpp, promenadkäpp, stav |
bestående Swedish | |
English | permanent, lasting value, durable, abiding |
bestäm Swedish | |
English | decide |
bastant Swedish | |
English | substantial, stout, chunky |
bastion Swedish | |
Spanish | baluarte, bastión |
boston English | |
Swedish | stad i usa |
bastión Spanish | |
Swedish | bastion, bålverk, fäste |
bis dann German | |
Swedish | vi ses |
Beistand German | |
English | sidekick |
beständig Swedish | |
English | constant, fixed, steady |
Bestände German | |
English | stocks |
bestämt Swedish | |
English | certainly, decidedly, firmly, crisply, arranged, flatly, decided |
German | fest |
bestämde Swedish | |
English | decided |
beistehen German | |
Swedish | bistå |
bestimmt German | |
English | dedicated to, certainly, certain |
Norwegian | sikker, sikkert |
Russian | наверно |
Swedish | säkert |
bestehen German | |
English | pass |
bastante Spanish | |
Norwegian | ganske |
Swedish | ganska, tillräcklig, ganska mycket, rätt så, rätt, mycket, tillräckligt, tillräckligt med, tillräckligt mycket, tämligen |
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