Searched for teoretisk in the dictionary.
English: theoretical, German: theoretisch
teoretisk Norwegian | |
German | theoretisch |
teoretisk Swedish | |
English | theoretical |
theoretisch German | |
Norwegian | teoretisk |
treatise English | |
Swedish | avhandling, doktorsavhandling |
tertius Latin | |
Swedish | 3e |
theoretical English | |
Swedish | teoretisk |
tortoise English | |
Swedish | sköldpadda, landsköldpadda |
trots Swedish | |
English | despite, defiance, in spite of, notwithstanding, bravado, regardless of, obstinacy, although, even though |
French | malgré |
German | trotz |
tartak Polish | |
Czech | pilařský závod |
Danish | savværk |
Dutch | zagerij |
English | sawmill |
Finnish | saha |
French | scierie |
German | Sägewerk |
Greek | πριovιστήριo |
Hungarian | fűrészmalom |
Italian | segheria |
Latvian | kokzāģētava |
Portuguese | serração |
Slovenian | žaga |
Spanish | serrería |
Swedish | sågverk |
tredici Italian | |
Swedish | tretton, 13 |
tortuga Spanish | |
Swedish | sköldpadda |
tiritas Spanish | |
Swedish | plåster |
threads English | |
Swedish | trådar |
truths English | |
Swedish | sanningar |
the artist English | |
Swedish | artisten |
trohetsed Swedish | |
English | fealty |
trotsa Swedish | |
English | defy, cross, buck, spite, flout, stand up to, brave |
French | affronter |
tortugas Spanish | |
Swedish | sköldpadddor, sköldpaddor |
tritical Spanish | |
Czech | tritikale |
Danish | triticale |
Dutch | triticale |
English | triticale |
Finnish | ruisvehnä |
French | triticale |
German | Triticum |
Greek | τριτικάλη |
Hungarian | tritikálé |
Italian | triticale |
Latvian | tritikāle |
Polish | pszenżyto |
Portuguese | triticale |
Slovenian | tritikala |
Swedish | triticale |
tērauds Latvian | |
Czech | ocel |
Danish | stål |
Dutch | staal |
English | steel |
Finnish | teräs |
French | acier |
German | Stahl |
Greek | χάλυβας |
Hungarian | acél |
Italian | acciaio |
Polish | stal |
Portuguese | aço |
Slovenian | jeklo |
Spanish | acero |
Swedish | stål |
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