trotts att
Searched for trotts att in the dictionary.
German: obwohl
trotts att Swedish | |
German | obwohl |
trots att Swedish | |
English | though, although, even though |
French | bien que, malgré que |
German | obwohl, abwohl |
Spanish | a pesar de que |
trotts detta Swedish | |
German | trotzdem |
trots allt Swedish | |
English | though, after all |
German | trotz allem |
trots det Swedish | |
English | nevertheless, even so |
German | trotzdem |
Spanish | ahora bien |
tröttsamt Swedish | |
English | tiring |
trots detta Swedish | |
German | trotzdem |
trotsa Swedish | |
English | defy, cross, buck, spite, flout, stand up to, brave |
French | affronter |
trotsig Swedish | |
English | defiant, rebellious, refractory, obstinate |
tröttsam Swedish | |
English | wearisome, tiresome, irksome, tiring |
French | fatigant, fatiguant, fatiguante |
trots Swedish | |
English | despite, defiance, in spite of, notwithstanding, bravado, regardless of, obstinacy, although, even though |
French | malgré |
German | trotz |
trotzdem German | |
Norwegian | likevel |
Swedish | i alla fall, trots det, ändå, trotts detta, trots detta |
tritical Spanish | |
Czech | tritikale |
Danish | triticale |
Dutch | triticale |
English | triticale |
Finnish | ruisvehnä |
French | triticale |
German | Triticum |
Greek | τριτικάλη |
Hungarian | tritikálé |
Italian | triticale |
Latvian | tritikāle |
Polish | pszenżyto |
Portuguese | triticale |
Slovenian | tritikala |
Swedish | triticale |
tratschen German | |
English | gossip |
trotz German | |
English | despite |
Norwegian | tross, til tross for at |
Swedish | trots |
trotzden German | |
Swedish | i alla fall |
trotz allem German | |
Norwegian | tross alt |
Swedish | trots allt |
tritikale Czech | |
Danish | triticale |
Dutch | triticale |
English | triticale |
Finnish | ruisvehnä |
French | triticale |
German | Triticum |
Greek | τριτικάλη |
Hungarian | tritikálé |
Italian | triticale |
Latvian | tritikāle |
Polish | pszenżyto |
Portuguese | triticale |
Slovenian | tritikala |
Spanish | tritical |
Swedish | triticale |
triticale Italian | |
Czech | tritikale |
Danish | triticale |
Dutch | triticale |
English | triticale |
Finnish | ruisvehnä |
French | triticale |
German | Triticum |
Greek | τριτικάλη |
Hungarian | tritikálé |
Latvian | tritikāle |
Polish | pszenżyto |
Portuguese | triticale |
Slovenian | tritikala |
Spanish | tritical |
Swedish | triticale |
triticale French | |
Czech | tritikale |
Danish | triticale |
Dutch | triticale |
English | triticale |
Finnish | ruisvehnä |
German | Triticum |
Greek | τριτικάλη |
Hungarian | tritikálé |
Italian | triticale |
Latvian | tritikāle |
Polish | pszenżyto |
Portuguese | triticale |
Slovenian | tritikala |
Spanish | tritical |
Swedish | triticale |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.