English dictionary - t - th

the silk Swedishsilket
the silliest Swedishdumast
the silver Swedishsilvret
the singer Swedishsångaren
the sink Swedishdiskhon
the sister Swedishsystern
the sister-in-law Swedishsvägerskan
the six Bullerby children Swedishalla vi barn i Bullerbyn
the sixteenth century Swedish1500-talet
the skating rink Swedishskridskobanan
the skirt Swedishkjolen
the sky Frenchle ciel
the sky pod Swedishöversta delen av tornet
the skyline Swedishsilhuetten
the slash-like marks Swedishde rappliknande ärren
the slice Swedishskivan
the slowest Swedishden långsammaste
the small hours of the morning Swedishsmåtimmarna
the smaller the ... Swedishju mindre desto ...
the smallest Swedishminst
the smallest continent Swedishden minsta kontinenten
the smartest Swedishsmartast
the smell Swedishdoften
the smile Swedishleendet
the Smith brothers Swedishbröderna Smith
the smoke Swedishröken
the snow Swedishsnön
the snow line Swedishsnögränsen
the soap Swedishtvålen
the social science department Swedishinstitutionen för samhällskunskap
the social science programme Swedishsamhällsvetenskapsprogrammet
the sock Swedishstrumpan
the socket Swedisheluttaget
the soft drink Swedishläsken
the soldier Swedishsoldaten
the solid rock Swedishsjälva klippan
the son Swedishsonen
the song Swedishsången
the sooner the better Swedishju förr desto bättre
the sound Swedishljudet
the soup Swedishsoppan
the south bank Swedishsödra stranden
the South Island SwedishSydön
the southern parts Swedishde södra delarna
the space museum Swedishrymdmuseet
the span of Swedishavståndet mellan
the spare wheel Swedishreservhjulet
the spark plug Swedishtändstiftet
the sparrow Swedishsparven
the spectators Swedishpubliken
the speed of light Swedishljusets hastighet
the spider Swedishspindeln
the sport Swedishsporten
the spring Swedishvåren
the stable Swedishstallet
the stadium Swedisharenan
the staff Swedishpersonalen
the stairhead Swedishöversta trappavsatsen
the stairs Swedishtrappan
Frenchles escaliers
the stamp Swedishfrimärket
the staple Swedishhäftklammern
the Stars and Stripes Swedishstjärnbaneret
the starsprangled banner Swedishstjärnbaneret
the starting line-up Swedishstartelvan
the States Swedishstaterna
the states Swedishstaterna
the Statue of Liberty Swedishfrihetsgudinnan
the statue of liberty Swedishfrihetsgudinnan
the steak Swedishsteken
the steel Swedishstålet
the steepest side Swedishden brantaste sidan
the steering wheel Swedishratten
the stereo set Swedishstereon
the sterner sex Swedishdet starka könet
the stewardess Swedishflygvärdinnan
the sticky tape Swedishtejpen
the stock exchange Swedishbörsen
the stocking Swedishdamstrumpan
the stolen things Swedishstöldgodset
the stomach Swedishmagsäcken
the stone Swedishstenen
the Stone Age Swedishsternåldern
the stone age Swedishstenåldern
the storm Swedishstormen
the story Swedishhistorien
the story of Swedishhistorien om
the story of the invasion Swedishberättelsen om invasionen