Searched for metallic in the dictionary.
English: baked-enamel, Swedish: metallisk
metallic English | |
Swedish | metallisk |
metallic Swedish | |
English | baked-enamel |
metallisk Swedish | |
English | metallic |
medallist English | |
Swedish | medaljör |
metals English | |
Czech | kovy |
Danish | metal |
Dutch | metaal |
Finnish | metalli |
French | métal |
German | Metall |
Greek | μέταλλα |
Hungarian | fém |
Italian | metallo |
Latvian | metāli |
Polish | metal |
Portuguese | metal |
Slovenian | kovina |
Spanish | metal |
Swedish | metaller |
metallsmide Swedish | |
Czech | metalurgický závod |
Danish | metalsnedkeri |
Dutch | metalen ramen en deuren |
English | metalwork |
Finnish | metallityöt |
French | menuiserie métallique |
German | Metallbau |
Greek | κατασκευή μεταλλικώv κoυφωμάτωv |
Hungarian | lakatosmunka |
Italian | carpenteria metallica |
Latvian | metālrūpniecība |
Polish | kowalstwo |
Portuguese | marcenaria metálica |
Slovenian | kovinarstvo |
Spanish | carpintería metálica |
metalliseos Finnish | |
Czech | slitina |
Danish | legering |
Dutch | legering |
English | alloy |
French | alliage |
German | Legierung |
Greek | κράματα |
Hungarian | ötvözet |
Italian | lega |
Latvian | sakausējums |
Polish | stop |
Portuguese | liga metálica |
Slovenian | zlitina |
Spanish | aleación |
Swedish | legering |
medalj Swedish | |
English | medal |
Russian | медаль |
metallic ore English | |
Czech | rudní suroviny |
Danish | metallisk malm |
Dutch | metaalerts |
Finnish | malmi |
French | minerai métallique |
German | metallisches Erz |
Greek | μεταλλικό oρυκτό |
Hungarian | fémérc |
Italian | minerale metallico |
Latvian | metāla rūda |
Polish | surowce metaliczne |
Portuguese | minério metálico |
Slovenian | kovinska ruda |
Spanish | mineral metálico |
Swedish | metallmalm |
metallskrot Swedish | |
German | Altmetall |
mytologi Swedish | |
Czech | mytologie |
Danish | mytologi |
Dutch | mythologie |
English | mythology |
Finnish | mytologia |
French | mythologie |
German | Mythologie |
Greek | μυθoλoγία |
Hungarian | mitológia |
Italian | mitologia |
Latvian | mitoloģija |
Polish | mitologia |
Portuguese | mitologia |
Slovenian | mitologija |
Spanish | mitología |
meddles English | |
Swedish | befattar sig |
müntlich German | |
Swedish | muntlig |
mitologia Italian | |
Czech | mytologie |
Danish | mytologi |
Dutch | mythologie |
English | mythology |
Finnish | mytologia |
French | mythologie |
German | Mythologie |
Greek | μυθoλoγία |
Hungarian | mitológia |
Latvian | mitoloģija |
Polish | mitologia |
Portuguese | mitologia |
Slovenian | mitologija |
Spanish | mitología |
Swedish | mytologi |
mündlich German | |
Norwegian | muntlig |
Swedish | muntlig |
mitologia Portuguese | |
Czech | mytologie |
Danish | mytologi |
Dutch | mythologie |
English | mythology |
Finnish | mytologia |
French | mythologie |
German | Mythologie |
Greek | μυθoλoγία |
Hungarian | mitológia |
Italian | mitologia |
Latvian | mitoloģija |
Polish | mitologia |
Slovenian | mitologija |
Spanish | mitología |
Swedish | mytologi |
mitologia Polish | |
Czech | mytologie |
Danish | mytologi |
Dutch | mythologie |
English | mythology |
Finnish | mytologia |
French | mythologie |
German | Mythologie |
Greek | μυθoλoγία |
Hungarian | mitológia |
Italian | mitologia |
Latvian | mitoloģija |
Portuguese | mitologia |
Slovenian | mitologija |
Spanish | mitología |
Swedish | mytologi |
metallijäte Finnish | |
Czech | kovový odpad |
Danish | metalaffald |
Dutch | metaalafval |
English | metal waste |
French | déchet métallique |
German | Metallabfall |
Greek | απoρρίμματα μετάλλωv |
Hungarian | fémhulladék |
Italian | rifiuti metallici |
Latvian | metālu atkritumi |
Polish | odpady metalowe |
Portuguese | detrito metálico |
Slovenian | kovinski odpadki |
Spanish | residuo metálico |
Swedish | metallavfall |
matelija Finnish | |
Czech | plazi |
Danish | krybdyr |
Dutch | reptiel |
English | reptile |
French | reptile |
German | Reptil |
Greek | ερπετό |
Hungarian | hüllő |
Italian | rettile |
Latvian | rāpulis |
Polish | gad |
Portuguese | réptil |
Slovenian | plazilec |
Spanish | reptil |
Swedish | reptil |
mytologia Finnish | |
Czech | mytologie |
Danish | mytologi |
Dutch | mythologie |
English | mythology |
French | mythologie |
German | Mythologie |
Greek | μυθoλoγία |
Hungarian | mitológia |
Italian | mitologia |
Latvian | mitoloģija |
Polish | mitologia |
Portuguese | mitologia |
Slovenian | mitologija |
Spanish | mitología |
Swedish | mytologi |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.